Emily's Photo Archive
Older Photos
This section contains several photos of Emily along with a caption. Click on the photo to view a larger printable version. Click on the arrows to navigate the photo pages.
(2691-2702 of 2978)
Watch me!! |
taken: 4/9/2006 posted: 4/24/2006 |
Me and my Mom are all ready for church |
taken: 4/2/2006 posted: 4/9/2006 |
I love the smell of daffodils in the morning. |
taken: 4/2/2006 posted: 4/9/2006 |
I am so big that I can stand and walk where ever I need to go...as long as I have something to hold on to. |
taken: 4/2/2006 posted: 4/9/2006 |
How do I get all of these little water drops to jump onto my tongue? |
taken: 3/29/2006 posted: 4/9/2006 |
I am just a wee little bit parched. |
taken: 3/29/2006 posted: 4/9/2006 |
Mom don't be scared of the tiger I will protect you. |
taken: 3/24/2006 posted: 4/9/2006 |
I am SO fast. |
taken: 3/24/2006 posted: 4/9/2006 |
I LOVE water! Dad can I get in? |
taken: 3/24/2006 posted: 4/9/2006 |
Like sands through the hourglass... so are the days of our lives. |
taken: 3/24/2006 posted: 4/9/2006 |
Dad, I am trying to give you the sign that I want to touch the train. Just put me a little higher. |
taken: 3/24/2006 posted: 4/9/2006 |
This one looks like a boob. |
taken: 3/24/2006 posted: 4/9/2006 |
(2691-2702 of 2978)