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Elias' News Archive

Past News
This section contains Elias' news items from the past. Click on the arrows to navigate the news items.

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October 8, 2021
Wrapped up Blaze running club this week. Tuesday Elias ran a 3k with a time of 22:19. On Thursday they got their awards for total miles ran this season. Elias ran 30 miles this season. So proud of them!

July 25, 2021
Dropped the boys off for an overnight at church camp with Connection Pointe Christian Church. They are bunk mates and going to have a great time. I had to remind them many times to be kind to one another. Can’t wait to hear about everything.

July 1, 2021
Elias turned 7 today! Started off the morning with gifts from family. He got a karaoke machine and man is that loud in the morning. After a karaoke morning we were off to Chuck E. Cheese. Elias was scared to go in the Ticket Blaster Booth so Emily went in for him. Then it was party time at home. We had a crayon scavenger hunt, nerf gun shooting competition, hot dogs for dinner, played hot potato, had a piñata, and played the Saran Wrap ball game. He is one tired happy little guy.

June 26, 2021
The boys had a great time at camp. Elias loved their dinner. According to him the nuggets were better than Chick-fil-A. Elias loved worship and sang louder than the worship leaders. They got to hike, swim, see a water show, play on water slides, worship, play ga ga ball, crafts, rock wall climbing, and went out on a boat.

June 17, 2021
The boys had a great time at cross country camp this week that the high school team put on. Emerson came in first for his age group. Elias loves others cheering for him.

May 18, 2021
Tonight was our intrasquad Blaze meet of the season. Elias got a PR by one minute and came in 11th place for the 1 mile boys with a time of 9:16. So proud of all the kids!!

April 6, 2021
Elias decided that the best time to lose your other front tooth was in the middle of the night. He couldn’t sleep because his tooth was loose so at 4:00 am he was in my room thinking it was morning with his tooth in hand.

March 21, 2021
Elias lost his front tooth today. It had been loose for a week. Finally, we had enough today and DeAnne helped him pull it. He is growing up fast!!

March 11, 2021
Elias is 100% my wildcard. I never really know what he is going to come up with or remember. Yesterday at the bus stop he was using his finger to make a gun and shoot pretend cookies and turn them into donuts. I had no clue where he got it from, but I let him know that was not appropriate for school and we had a talk. Well, that afternoon I get a call from his sweet teacher saying he made his fingers into a gun and pointed it at a student. I explained what happened at the bus stop and we would talk about it when he got home. David let me know it is a skit from The Muppet Show that he was impersonating. God help me with a kid who wants to pretend to be the Swedish Chef.

October 9, 2020
The Blaze season came to an end last night. Elias ran a 3K this week with a time of 21:24. He received his end of season medal for total miles ran this 8 weeks. Elias ran 31.25 miles.

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