Baker Boulevard  
David DeAnne Emily Elise Emerson Elias Albert

Welcome to Baker Boulevard

Baker Boulevard is a family website, containing information and photos of David and DeAnne Baker, their daughters Emily and Elise, their sons Emerson and Elias, and their dog Albert. We hope you enjoy your visit.

David, DeAnne, Emily, Elise, Emerson, Elias, and Albert

Recent Updates
September 30, 2023
Had a great time at the Family Fall Fest at Camp Allendale with Connection Pointe Church. We did a hayride, picnic, hiking, canoeing, pedal carts, inflatable slide, pumpkin decorating, bubbles, foam party, pumpkin drop, and more.

August 30, 2023
Another season of the Blaze junior running club started last week. Emerson and Elias are running like pros. DeAnne, Elise, and I are helping anywhere needed. Emily’s away at college and I miss her since she’s the one who could keep up with these kids!

April 16, 2023
Running season is in full swing for the Baker family. We ran the Bulldog 5k this weekend and Emily placed first for female runners. Elias and Emerson did great. Blaze junior running club also started a couple of weeks ago and the boys are running with the school running club that I get to help out at. Emily is in full swing with track meets and practices.

December 24, 2022
Wonderful afternoon worshiping and serving at church. Elias told me he can’t wait to serve again.

December 20, 2022
Today we enjoyed a fun trip to The Ark. We enjoyed learning and seeing how things would have been set up inside the ark and the kids really enjoyed the playground and seeing animals in the little zoo.

December 19, 2022
Such a fun and informative day at the Creation Museum. The lights around the outside grounds were beautiful. Made wonderful memories and had some great conversations “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6

October 21, 2022
Fun day at Lark Ranch today and Dulls Tree Farm last week. With Emily having practice every day we weren’t able to go anywhere over break so we made the most of staying home.

October 16, 2022
We did the Anderson Orchard 5k this morning. Those hills about killed me!! Not a great time for any of us, but we had fun together as a family. Emily came in 2nd for her age and got a pumpkin and a hay ride around the orchard for her and Emerson. Elias did the 1/2 mile fun run and danced a lot!! He even danced his way across the finish line. We all got carmel apples and cider slushes for finishing. We also enjoyed the delicious elephant ears and fried biscuits and apple butter.

August 24, 2022
Baptism weekend!! And if I know one thing Our God is a deliverer If I know one thing Our God is gonna see us through Elias did ask to be held under for 3 seconds because Jesus was in the tomb for 3 days, but we told him no.

August 19, 2022
63 photos and news items have been added to Emily’s page.

60 photos and news items have been added to Elise's page.

53 photos and news items have been added to Emerson's page.

86 photos and news items have been added to Elias' page.

21 photos have been added to DeAnne's page.

24 photos have been added to David’s page.

This update covers January through June and includes Elise’s 14th birthday, Elias’ 2nd grade music program, Emily inducted into National Honor Society, spring break getaway to secluded cabin, another running season with Blaze, track season for Emily, Running of the Bulldogs 5k, 20th wedding anniversary, 8th grade dance for Elise, field trip for Elias, Elise’s orchestra trip to St. Louis, Emily’s 17th birthday, Elias had another eye muscle surgery with ER visit a couple days after, Camp Allendale for the boys, Elias’ 8th birthday, trip to Indiana dunes and beach, CIY Mix, Emily’s new car, sledding, Easter, art show, prom, cousins, craziness, and more.

July 20, 2022
Fun day at the Hendricks County Fair yesterday. These cousins are crazy together!

July 9, 2022
Had a fun couple of days at Holiday World. Lots of great family time together.

July 4, 2022
Happy 20th Anniversary to my best friend DeAnne. Last week I was at camp with my boys and that was the longest DeAnne and I have been apart in 20+ years. Life is better when we’re together.

June 21, 2022
Fun day trip to the dunes yesterday. Even after we applied sunblock constantly we still ended up with a few minor sun burns.

May 15, 2022
It has been a busy week. The boys had a run the same night Emily had a track meet and Elise had rehearsal for orchestra. Top that night off with a flat tire in the parking lot (thanks to my brother Dale for helping us). I ran book fair all week that finished at the school carnival on Friday. Emily had her first retail experience helping me on Friday evening. The boys got up and went to a car show on Saturday morning and then Emily went to a formal dance with friends that evening. Sunday, we had Elise’s final 8th grade orchestra concert. That last month of school is super busy!!

May 8, 2022
Happy Mother’s Day to the best mom for my children. And as Elias wrote in his card, one of the best things about DeAnne is that she is not in jail.

April 9, 2022
Cold morning for the Running of the Bulldogs 5K. Emily ran with Emerson to encourage him and they finished with a time of 26:56 (48th and 49th out of 264). David ran with them, but couldn’t keep up with their fast sprint at the end and ended with a time of 27:14 (54th out of 264). DeAnne finished with a time of 30:11 (73rd out of 264) shaving 8 minutes off of her time from last year. She only started running a little over a year ago doing couch to 5k and find it to be a nice stress reliever. DeAnne was very happy she wasn’t last!

April 2, 2022
We had a nice little get away to a secluded cabin in Kentucky. The drive was a little scary as part way down, the van had engine lights come on (we got it repaired and all is good). There was also about 2 miles of scary one-lane gravel road very downhill to reach the cabin. Lots of great family time together relaxing.

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Monkey Joe's fun.<br><div class='photoDatesPopup'><br>from Emerson's Photos taken 3/21/2017 and posted 8/13/2017</div>
Monkey Joe's fun.

taken: 3/21/2017
posted: 8/13/2017
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David DeAnne Emily Elise Emerson Elias Albert
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