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Elias Samuel Baker

Elias Samuel Baker

Just The Facts
Birthday: July 1
Nickname(s): Eli, E-I, Ñ (Enye)
Favorite Food: Fruit, spaghetti, mac-n-cheese, hotdogs, cheese sandwich
Hobbies: Playing on the iPhone or iPad, playing with siblings, learning sight words
Favorite TV Show
or Movie:
Veggie Tales, Lego Batman, Boss Baby, Secret Life of Pets
Other: I have had two eye muscle surgeries on both eyes. Although I had First Steps for speech theropy, I'm academically beyond where I need to be today. I have a great ability to memorize bible verses and movie quotes. I was born 1 day before my due date weighing 7 lbs 12 oz at 21 inches long.

Recent News
October 6, 2023
The boys had a fun wet run yesterday evening. Elias got 9th for the 3k boys. A little rain never stopped anyone!!

July 1, 2023
Happy birthday to my little firecracker!!

June 30, 2023
Had a great week at Camp Allendale! David was a group leader for Elias and four other boys. Emerson was with older kids, but we got to see each other at times. May God continue to work in the hearts of these kids.

June 25, 2023
All my boys are off for a fun filled week at camp Allendale

June 16, 2023
The boys had a great week at Police and Fire camp in the morning and cross country camp in the evening. They learned so much and I can’t recommend police and fire camp enough. They learned many things including how to fight off kidnappers, CPR, gun safety and how to fire one, bike safety and laws around bikes, they even got to go through simulations for both police and firefighters and much more.

May 25, 2023
Final night of Blaze. Elias ran 42.75 miles.

April 22, 2023
Elias had running practice and a junior track meet. Elias loves to dance, but running fast is not fully important to him.

December 7, 2022
Elias did awesome at his 3rd grade school performance this evening.

November 8, 2022
Elias was chosen as student of the month for showing compassion. He is a little firecracker, but he does deeply care about others. Love him so much!!

October 7, 2022
Last night was the awards night for Blaze running. Elias ran 24.25 miles this season.

October 5, 2022
Elias ran a 3k with a time of 18:49.

September 30, 2022
The boys had a great run last night. Elias (ran the 1 mile) both shaved about 30 seconds off his time from about 3 weeks ago. So proud of my crazy boy.

September 7, 2022
Elias ran his best race to date yesterday. Elias ran the 1 mile and came in 7th. He took over a minute off his time from just a few weeks ago. The best part is he said he had fun!!

August 26, 2022
Blaze season is in full swing again. It started a couple of weeks ago and the kids are having a great time. Elias still loves the social aspect of running.

August 23, 2022
Elias had surgery follow up appointments and are doing amazing. Elias’s eyes look great, his vision improved some, and he isn’t holding his head sideways now.

July 26, 2022
Back to school night for Emerson and Elias tonight.

July 1, 2022
Emerson, Elias, and David had an awesome week at Camp Allendale learning about how to make waves to change the world.

July 1, 2022
Elias turned 8 years old today!!! David brought a card and gift card inside to give to him on his birthday morning. The campers also sang happy birthday to him. I am overjoyed to have him home. His birthday request was a bath in our big tub with bubbles.

May 31, 2022
Elias is doing wonderful now. After some trial and error and doctor calls we learned he is allergic to the medication he was getting post-op. Quit giving it to him and he is back to his same old self.

May 30, 2022
Elias spiked a fever and became super sensitive to light again Sunday evening and we spent 6 hours in the Riley ER. Praise the Lord everything looks good in his eyes and we will just assume he has a virus unless he gets worse. Elias was such a trooper! Now to hopefully get some sleep.

May 29, 2022
Elias has had a much better day today. His eyes are looking so great.

May 28, 2022
Yesterday was a difficult recovery day for Elias. He couldn’t keep anything down until right before bed and he was able to keep down a couple of crackers. He is still very sensitive to light, but we don’t have to keep the house completely dark. His eyes are still itchy, but much better.

May 27, 2022
Elias had double eye surgery today. He did great for the surgery but had a hard time waking up.

May 26, 2022
Busy day ended with our Blaze award night. Elias finished the season with 34.75 miles.

May 17, 2022
Fun Blaze run this evening. Elias came in 11th for the 1 mile.

May 17, 2022
Field trip day to the zoo with crazy Elias and a lot of 2nd graders.

April 21, 2022
The boys had a fun time at the track meet that the high school team put on for the little kids. Elias was much more about the high fives and dance battles. Elias did enjoy a little podium time, but just because of the number of kids in his run.

April 12, 2022
So proud of Elias! Elias was chosen as a Reagan student of the month for showing acceptance (being kind and respecting others’ differences).

April 8, 2022
The spring running season is in full swing again. Blaze also started on Tuesday with the first time trial of the season yesterday. The kids all did wonderful, and it is great to have the teens to come help run with the little kids. These kids are way too fast for us old people.

March 18, 2022
Donut breakfast mornings at school are so much fun. This is the first one since Covid.

March 9, 2022
Elias had his 2nd grade “Go Fish!” music program this evening. He was a clown fish and had a speaking part… a joke. 😂 It was great.

February 24, 2022
Elias has been diving into the Bible a lot lately. His favorite is his mini King James Version Bible. We offered him a kid version and he protested saying it was a comic book not a proper Bible.

This section contains several photos of Elias along with a caption. Click on the photo to view a larger printable version. Click on the arrows to navigate the photo pages.

Items Per Page:
(28-36 of 171) First Previous     Next Last
Nighttime book reading.<br><div class='photoDatesPopup'><br>from Elias' Photos taken 12/12/2022 and posted 5/2/2023</div>
Nighttime book reading.

taken: 12/12/2022
posted: 5/2/2023
Family photo after Elias's performance.<br><div class='photoDatesPopup'><br>from Elias' Photos taken 12/7/2022 and posted 5/2/2023</div>
Family photo after Elias's performance.

taken: 12/7/2022
posted: 5/2/2023
Elias and his grandmas.<br><div class='photoDatesPopup'><br>from Elias' Photos taken 12/7/2022 and posted 5/2/2023</div>
Elias and his grandmas.

taken: 12/7/2022
posted: 5/2/2023
Elias's Christmas performance.<br><div class='photoDatesPopup'><br>from Elias' Photos taken 12/7/2022 and posted 5/2/2023</div>
Elias's Christmas performance.

taken: 12/7/2022
posted: 5/2/2023
Elias had a speaking part at his school program.<br><div class='photoDatesPopup'><br>from Elias' Photos taken 12/7/2022 and posted 5/2/2023</div>
Elias had a speaking part at his school program.

taken: 12/7/2022
posted: 5/2/2023
Waving hi at the start of the performance.<br><div class='photoDatesPopup'><br>from Elias' Photos taken 12/7/2022 and posted 5/2/2023</div>
Waving hi at the start of the performance.

taken: 12/7/2022
posted: 5/2/2023
Super fun advent calendar.<br><div class='photoDatesPopup'><br>from Elias' Photos taken 12/1/2022 and posted 5/2/2023</div>
Super fun advent calendar.

taken: 12/1/2022
posted: 5/2/2023
Donut breakfast at Reagan.<br><div class='photoDatesPopup'><br>from Elias' Photos taken 11/11/2022 and posted 5/2/2023</div>
Donut breakfast at Reagan.

taken: 11/11/2022
posted: 5/2/2023
Student of the month<br><div class='photoDatesPopup'><br>from Elias' Photos taken 11/8/2022 and posted 5/2/2023</div>
Student of the month

taken: 11/8/2022
posted: 5/2/2023
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