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Emily Sophia Baker

Emily Sophia Baker

Just The Facts
Birthday: May 26
Nickname(s): Em, Emy
Favorite Food: Mexican food, pickles, burgers, spaghetti, rotisserie chicken, and El Toro Mexican Restaurant
Hobbies: Crocheting, reading, crafting, hanging out with friends, and spending time with family
Favorite TV Show
or Movie:
The Middle, Fixer Upper, The Goldbergs
Other: I am currently attending Marian University pursuing a degree in Accounting where I also run on the Cross Country and Track teams. In High School, I ran cross country and track and played the violin. I was born two days before my due date weighing 7 lbs 4 oz at 20.5 inches long. It's a little embarrassing, but when I was a toddler, I liked to taste soap and lotion. I had perfect attendance in first grade.

Recent News
January 21, 2025
Friday evening, we watched Emily compete in a running event at U Indy.

November 5, 2024
Emily voted for the first time today!!

August 12, 2024
Emily moved in to college today. Sophomore year here she comes!

May 26, 2024
Happy 19th birthday Emily!! We ran out of wrapping paper so I just put a birthday banner on top of her gifts. Totally worked!

May 4, 2024
Emily finished her freshman year of college and is now home for the summer (with all of her mess). She had her final college track meet on Thursday, where she ran the 10K and came in first for Marian. Today, she ran the mini with her roommate, marking the end of her freshman year.

March 23, 2024
First outdoor track meet of the season for Emily. It was quite chilly!🥶

October 21, 2023
We were able to travel to Michigan to watch Emily run. It was a wet, cold, and muddy. So proud of Emily and how far she has come with her running.

September 16, 2023
Emily had her first college meet yesterday at Taylor University. She sprained her foot not even half way into the run. She powered through and finished, but way slower than she is used to. We hope she heals quickly!!

August 14, 2023
Emily college move in day!!

May 26, 2023
Happy 18th birthday to Emily!!! I can’t figure out how time is flying by so fast!!

May 24, 2023
Emily had her final day of high school!! Then she did the graduation walk at her old elementary. Emerson and Elias were so excited to see her.

May 17, 2023
Emily has officially signed to run track and cross country for Marian.

April 22, 2023
Another full week!! Emily had 2 meets this week and got a PR (personal record) in the 3200 on Friday evening.

March 24, 2023
Emily had a track meet yesterday against Westfield. She did the 4x800 and 3200 and placed first in both. We forgot how cold track is. We had falling temps, rain, and wind for 4 hours!! We love cheering on our runner!!

March 6, 2023
We got to visit Marian University again with Emily and Emily running her first indoor meet of the season at Purdue.

November 6, 2022
Emily is off for her first overnight at college. Marian University invited her to come spend the night with a current runner and practice with the team. Very exciting!!

November 5, 2022
Today we visited UIndy with Emily. It is such a nice campus.

October 25, 2022
First college visit today. We met with a couple of the coaches and got a tour of the campus. The coaches are very interested in her and want her to come back for a longer visit and to make her an offer to run for them. Lots of things to consider and other colleges to visit.

October 22, 2022
Emily did her final high school cross country run today. They ran against some amazing teams this morning at semi-state and she gave it her all. She came in 2nd for Brownsburg, broke the 20 minute mark with a time of 19:54 (a personal record), and was the first senior for Brownsburg to finish. A couple of weeks off and she starts training for track.

October 15, 2022
Semi-State next week! All regional finisher!! Placed 17th overall 20:04.

October 8, 2022
Brownsburg boys and girls were sectional champs for cross country! Emily placed 14th overall. Off to regionals next weekend!

October 5, 2022
Emily ran at the Nike twilight on Saturday night.

September 24, 2022
Started the day with Emily running and finished the day with both girls going to homecoming. Elise’s first and Emily’s last high school homecoming.

September 10, 2022
Emily ran a great race at Ben Davis this morning. She came in 11th place overall and 3rd for Brownsburg varsity. Her team came in second place and only missed first by 1 point. She took 21 seconds off her 5k time from last week. She also had a college recruiter come and talk to her offering scholarships for running. This growing up stuff is getting real!!

September 3, 2022
Emily ran the Brownsburg Invitational this morning! She did great and got a PR (personal record)!! It was also senior day. Can’t believe the number of years we have been going to cross country meets.

August 27, 2022
Emily ran a hokum karem this morning at Avon. She did great! Brownsburg came in first! Her two person relay came in 10th out of a full field! So proud of the girls!

August 23, 2022
1st cross country run of Emily’s senior year. It was only a 4K so it really messes with her pacing. She did great!

August 15, 2022
First college application completed! Senior year is serious business. Lots of choices to make.

July 21, 2022
Emily is enjoying camping with the cross country team. They were only gone for a day, but they said it felt like a long time. They had an amazing time.

July 19, 2022
Emily had school senior photos today. Not sure how this happened. I feel like she just started high school.

June 8, 2022
Track awards night. Junior year track complete. She has already started conditioning for cross country.

May 26, 2022
Emily had her last day as a junior today and turned 17! Also, a couple of days ago she got a new to her car. So fun!!

May 7, 2022
Emily has her prom tonight!! So excited for her and Noah.

April 12, 2022
So proud of Emily! Emily finished 1st for girls in the 3200 tonight getting a PR (personal record).

April 9, 2022
Cold morning for the Running of the Bulldogs 5K. Emily ran with Emerson to encourage him, and they finished with a time of 26:56 (48th and 49th out of 264).

April 8, 2022
The spring running season is in full swing again. Emily had her first outdoor meet of the season on Tuesday that finished in the dark.

March 9, 2022
Emily was inducted into the National Honor Society at Brownsburg High School this evening. We are so proud of her and all her hard work.

March 4, 2022
Emily had her first indoor meet tonight at Purdue. She ran the 1600 and shaved 15 seconds off of last season. We might need to discuss college life more as she thought a frat house was a cool looking church.

This section contains several photos of Emily along with a caption. Click on the photo to view a larger printable version. Click on the arrows to navigate the photo pages.

Items Per Page:
(156-164 of 308) First Previous     Next Last
Rolling up her sleeves and diving in.<br><div class='photoDatesPopup'><br>from Emily's Photos taken 10/30/2022 and posted 5/2/2023</div>
Rolling up her sleeves and diving in.

taken: 10/30/2022
posted: 5/2/2023
Kids family photos<br><div class='photoDatesPopup'><br>from Emily's Photos taken 10/29/2022 and posted 5/2/2023</div>
Kids family photos

taken: 10/29/2022
posted: 5/2/2023
Beautiful Emily!<br><div class='photoDatesPopup'><br>from Emily's Photos taken 10/29/2022 and posted 5/2/2023</div>
Beautiful Emily!

taken: 10/29/2022
posted: 5/2/2023
Family photo<br><div class='photoDatesPopup'><br>from Emily's Photos taken 10/29/2022 and posted 5/2/2023</div>
Family photo

taken: 10/29/2022
posted: 5/2/2023
First trip to Marian<br><div class='photoDatesPopup'><br>from Emily's Photos taken 10/25/2022 and posted 5/2/2023</div>
First trip to Marian

taken: 10/25/2022
posted: 5/2/2023
Finishing strong!<br><div class='photoDatesPopup'><br>from Emily's Photos taken 10/22/2022 and posted 5/2/2023</div>
Finishing strong!

taken: 10/22/2022
posted: 5/2/2023
Cheer squad!<br><div class='photoDatesPopup'><br>from Emily's Photos taken 10/22/2022 and posted 5/2/2023</div>
Cheer squad!

taken: 10/22/2022
posted: 5/2/2023
Another Saturday another run!<br><div class='photoDatesPopup'><br>from Emily's Photos taken 10/22/2022 and posted 5/2/2023</div>
Another Saturday another run!

taken: 10/22/2022
posted: 5/2/2023
Pumpkin kid photo<br><div class='photoDatesPopup'><br>from Emily's Photos taken 10/21/2022 and posted 5/2/2023</div>
Pumpkin kid photo

taken: 10/21/2022
posted: 5/2/2023
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