Emily's Photo Archive
Older Photos
This section contains several photos of Emily along with a caption. Click on the photo to view a larger printable version. Click on the arrows to navigate the photo pages.
(2574-2585 of 2978)
Mom are you sure those are pigs? They look really different in the books. |
taken: 8/15/2006 posted: 8/21/2006 |
Albert, I am working on making you a very special dinner. |
taken: 8/13/2006 posted: 8/21/2006 |
I keep trying to swim by myself so they put this tube around me. If the dogs can swim so can I. |
taken: 8/6/2006 posted: 8/21/2006 |
J - E - L - L - O |
taken: 7/27/2006 posted: 8/21/2006 |
Mom you said no so I'm going to call Dad. He always says yes. |
taken: 7/18/2006 posted: 8/21/2006 |
I love watermelon! Dad don't eat it all. |
taken: 7/16/2006 posted: 8/21/2006 |
Rub-a-dub-dub 3 dorks in a tub. Why did they come to my little pool when Joe was the only one in the big pool? |
taken: 7/16/2006 posted: 8/21/2006 |
My cousin Cami is going to be a great preacher just like her Grandpa was. She gave a great sermon today and then we had grapes and goldfish. Best church ever! |
taken: 7/15/2006 posted: 8/21/2006 |
This is the same way that my Grandma gets her hair done. Do you think they can add a little body to my hair? |
taken: 7/15/2006 posted: 8/21/2006 |
What do I splash with first? |
taken: 7/15/2006 posted: 8/21/2006 |
Mom had to help me today, but when I went back a few weeks later I can reach by myself. Mom tells me that I am growing up too fast. |
taken: 7/15/2006 posted: 8/21/2006 |
I love to plant flowers. |
taken: 7/15/2006 posted: 8/21/2006 |
(2574-2585 of 2978)