David |
DeAnne |
Emily |
Elise |
Emerson |
Elias |
Albert |
Albert Baker
Just The Facts
Birthday: |
April 14, 2004 |
Weight: |
11 lbs |
Breed: |
Pekingese |
Nickname(s): |
Bert, Berty, Berty-bert, Fat Albert, Abbot |
Hobbies: |
Cleaning, chasing, running, chewing rawhides, sleeping, barking |
Favorite TV Show or Movie: |
Survivor |
Passed Away: |
July 31, 2019 |
Other: |
Albert is the adoptive brother of Nummy and Ferguson. He became an only pet on January 19, 2013 when Nummy and Ferguson had to be surrendered to the Yorkie rescue. Read their page for more details. Albert had to be put down on July 31, 2019 after having neurological problems. |
This section contains several photos of Albert along with a caption. Click on the photo to view a larger printable version. Click on the arrows to navigate the photo pages.
(45-53 of 80)
I am ready for a night on the town. |
taken: 9/18/2010 posted: 10/11/2010 |
I have mad tongue skills. |
taken: 3/3/2009 posted: 4/28/2009 |
Albert doing hot laps in the snow path. |
taken: 1/28/2009 posted: 2/26/2009 |
Emily and Maggie did a little artwork on my back. |
taken: 5/17/2008 posted: 6/4/2008 |
I love to lick the walls, floor, rugs, or anything else I can find. |
taken: 1/19/2008 posted: 3/20/2008 |
I look so good like this. |
taken: 12/20/2007 posted: 1/18/2008 |
Why me? Why always me? |
taken: 11/26/2007 posted: 12/16/2007 |
I do believe that this is an alien. |
taken: 4/7/2007 posted: 5/7/2007 |
Move over Mr. Rogers. |
taken: 2/28/2007 posted: 3/23/2007 |
(45-53 of 80)